

Blog Post #1, Day 11: 

"In the last 11 days I have been:

  • Sleeping so well!  I fall asleep quickly and am sleeping hard!  Its a deep sleep and I feel rested in the morning.  Its been so long since I've felt this way!
  • Ditching bad habits.  I'm not craving sugar, I'm not grazing all day, I'm not drawn to snacking once the kids are in bed.  And it hasn't been a struggle either.  I just don't want those things anymore.
  • Easily keeping up with the plan.  There are simple steps to follow which makes it easy to do while leading a busy life.  Not tons of prep time but I know I am getting lots of vitamins and nutrients that I need.  The ease of this program is one of the big reasons why this has been successful for me.  While I hope to have more time at some point to spend hours prepping and cooking, I just don't right now.
  • Fueled.  The program includes supplements and supports that make sure you get lots of protein (gluten free, soy free, organic, non-GMO) and vitamins." Read more...

~Kelly Hodgson, Momstown Regional Director, Central Ontario



I have been asked a few of the same questions repeatedly so I wanted to share this information too:

  • Is it time consuming? Quite the opposite. I have been looking for a long time for something that would provide me with quality nutrition but didn't mean I was in the kitchen for hours each weekend prepping food.  That's not realistic for me. This program is perfect for busy moms on the go who often make healthy food for everyone else except themselves!
  • Do you eat real food?  You do!  In fact you eat superfoods packed with nutrition quality organic ingredients (soy & gluten free and non-gmo) as well as foods you have in your home or can find at any grocery store.
  • Is it super strict?  With any food plan, you'll get more out of it the more you follow it but I didn't find this plan to be rigid. I did my best to follow the 30 day plan (and there is LOTS of support) but loved Your Life's Calling's approach - life happens.  Let go of the guilt! Enjoy that piece of birthday cake or wine at a special night out but get back on track afterwards.  And the longer I did the plan, the less I wanted to eat junk food anyway - I felt terrible afterwards!”  Read more...

~Kelly Hodgson, Momstown Regional Director, Central Ontario